United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Lebanon

*Resolution 347 (1974) Resolution 425 (1978)
*Resolution 426 (1978) Resolution 427 (1978)
*Resolution 434 (1978) Resolution 436 (1978) Resolution 444 (1979)
*Resolution 467 (1980) Resolution 490 (1981)
*Resolution 508 (1982) Resolution 509 (1982)
*Resolution 512 (1982) Resolution 513 (1982)
*Resolution 515 (1982) Resolution 516 (1982) Resolution 517 (1982)
*Resolution 518 (1982) Resolution 520 (1982)
*Resolution 521 (1982) Resolution 543 (1983) Resolution 564 (1985)
*Resolution 579 (1985) Resolution 587 (1986) Resolution 1052 (1996)

S/RES/347 (1974)  24 April 1974
RESOLUTION 347 (1974)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 1769th meeting on 24 April 1974

The Security Council,
Having considered the agenda item contained in document S/Agenda/1769/Rev.1,  
Having noted the contents of the letters dated 12 and 13 April 1974 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon (S/11263 and S/11264) and the letter dated 11 April 1974 from the Permanent Representative of Israel (S/11259),
Having heard the statements of the Foreign Minister of Lebanon and of the representative of Israel,
Recalling its previous relevant resolutions,
Deeply disturbed at the continuation of acts of violence,
Gravely concerned that such acts might endanger efforts now taking place to bring about a just and lasting peace in the Middle East,
1. Condemns Israel's violation of Lebanon's territorial integrity and sovereignty and calls once more on the Government of Israel to refrain from further military actions and threats against Lebanon;
2. Condemns all acts of violence, especially those which result in the tragic loss of innocent civilian life, and urges all concerned to refrain from any further acts of violence;
3. Calls upon all Governments concerned to respect their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law; 
4. Calls upon Israel forthwith to release and return to Lebanon the abducted Lebanese civilians;
5. Calls upon all parties to refrain from any action which might endanger negotiations aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

S/RES/425 (1978) 19 March 1978
RESOLUTION 425 (1978)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2074th meeting on 19 March 1978,

The Security Council,
Taking note of the letters from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon and from the Permanent Representative of Israel,
Having heard the statement of the Permanent Representatives of Lebanon and Israel,
Gravely concerned at the deterioration of the situation in the Middle East and its consequences to the maintenance of international peace,
Convinced that the present situation impedes the achievement of a just peace in the Middle East,
1. Calls for strict respect for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its
internationally recognized boundaries;
2. Calls upon Israel immediately to cease its military action against Lebanese territorial integrity and withdraw forthwith its forces from all Lebanese territory;
3. Decides, in the light of the request of the Government of Lebanon, to establish immediately under its authority a United Nations interim force for Southern Lebanon for the purpose of confirming the withdrawal of Israeli forces, restoring international peace and security and assisting the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area, the Force to be composed of personnel drawn from Member States;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council within twenty-four hours on the implementation of the present resolution. 

S/RES/426 (1978) 19 March 1978
RESOLUTION 426 (1978)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2075th meeting on 19 March 1978,

The Security Council,
1. Approves the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution 425 (1978), contained in document S/12611 of 19 March 1978, 
2. Decides that the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon shall be established in accordance with the above-mentioned report for an initial period of six months, and that it shall continue in operation thereafter if required, provided the Security Council so decides.

S/RES/427 (1978) 3 May 1978
RESOLUTION 427 (1978)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2076th meeting on 3 May 1978

The Security Council,
Having considered the letter dated 1 May 1978 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978,
1. Approves the increase in the strength of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon requested by the Secretary-General from 4,000 to approximately 6,000 troops;
2. Takes note of the withdrawal of Israeli forces that has taken place so far;
3. Calls upon Israel to complete its withdrawal from all Lebanese territory without any further delay;
4. Deplores the attacks on the United Nations Force that have occurred and demands full respect for the United Nations Force from all parties in Lebanon.

S/RES/434 (1978) 18 September 1978
RESOLUTION 434 (1978)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2085th meeting on 18 September 1978

The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March and 427 (1978) of 3 May 1978,
Recalling in particular that, in its resolution 425 (1978), the Council called for strict respect for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries,
Gravely concerned at the serious conditions in Lebanon, which continue to endanger the achievement of a just and lasting solution of the Middle East question,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General dated 13 September 1978 on the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions,
Commending the outstanding performance of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon in seeking to carry out its mandate as established in resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978),
Deeply grieved at the loss of life suffered by the Force,
Conscious of the progress already achieved by the Force towards the establishment of peace and security in Southern Lebanon, 
Noting with concern that the Force has encountered obstacles in deploying freely throughout its area of operation and that it has not been possible as yet for the Lebanese Government fully to restore its authority over all its territory in accordance with resolution 425 (1978),
Supporting the efforts of the Secretary-General and taking into account the observation in his report describing the problems encountered by the Force in carrying out its mandate,
Determined to secure urgently the total fulfillment of the mandate and objectives of the Force in accordance with resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978),
Acting in response to the request of the Lebanese Government,
1. Decides to renew the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon for a period of four months, that is, until 19 January 1979;
2. Calls upon Israel, Lebanon and all others concerned to co-operate fully and urgently with the United Nations in the implementation of Security Council resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978);
3. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council in two months on the implementation of the present resolution in order to allow it to assess the situation and to examine what further measures should be taken, and to report again at the end of the four-month period.

S/RES/436 (1978) 6 October 1978 
RESOLUTION 436 (1978) 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2089th meeting on 6 October 1978 

The Security Council, Noting with grave concern the deteriorating situation in Beirut and its surroundings,
Deeply grieved at the consequent loss of life, human suffering and physical destruction, 
Noting the appeal made on 4 October 1978 by the President of the Security Council and the Secretary-General, 
1. Calls upon all those involved in hostilities in Lebanon to put an end to acts of violence and observe scrupulously an immediate and effective cease-fire and cessation of hostilities so that internal peace and national reconciliation may be restored based on the preservation of Lebanese unity, territorial integrity, independence and national sovereignty; 
2. Calls upon all involved to allow units of the International Committee of the Red Cross into the area of conflict to evacuate the wounded and provide humanitarian assistance; 
3. Supports the Secretary-General in his efforts and requests him to continue these efforts to bring about a durable cease-fire and to keep the Security Council informed on the implementation of the cease-fire.

S/RES/444 (1979) 19 January 1979 
RESOLUTION 444 (1979) 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2113th meeting on 19 January 1979 

The Security Council, 
Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978), 427 (1978) and 434 (1978), 
Recalling also the statement of the President of the Security Council of 8 December 1978 (S/12958), 
Having studied the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) contained in document S/13026 and Corr.1 of 12 January 1979, 
Expressing concern over the grave situation in southern Lebanon resulting from obstacles placed against the full implementation of resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978, 
Reiterating its conviction that the continuation of the situation constitutes a challenge to its authority and a defiance of its resolutions, 
Noting with regret that UNIFIL has reached the end of its second mandate without being enabled to complete all of the tasks assigned to it, 
Stressing that free and unhampered movement for UNIFIL is essential for the fulfillment of its mandate within its entire area of operation, 
Reaffirming the necessity for the strict respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries, 
Re-emphasizing the temporary nature of UNIFIL as set out in its terms of reference, 
Acting in response to the request of the Government of Lebanon taking into account the Secretary-General's report, 
1. Deplores the lack of co-operation particularly on Israel's part with UNIFIL's efforts to fully implement its mandate including Israel's assistance to irregular armed groups in southern Lebanon; 
2. Notes with great appreciation the efforts being made by the Secretary-General, the commanders and soldiers of UNIFIL and the United Nations staff, as well as Governments which have lent their assistance and co-operation; 
3. Expresses its satisfaction with the declared policy of the Government of Lebanon and the steps already taken for the deployment of the Lebanese army in the south and encourages it to increase its efforts in co-ordination with UNIFIL to re-establish its authority in that area; 
4. Decides to renew the mandate of UNIFIL for five months, that is, until 19 June 1979; 
5. Calls upon the Secretary-General and UNIFIL to continue to take all effective measures deemed necessary in accordance with UNIFIL's approved guidelines and terms of reference as adopted by the Security Council (S/12611) and invites the Government of Lebanon to draw up, in consultation with the Secretary-General, a phased programme of activities to be carried out over the next three months to promote the restoration of its authority; 
6. Urges all Member States which are in a position to do so to bring their influence to bear on those concerned so that UNIFIL can discharge its responsibilities fully and unhampered; 
7. Reaffirms its determination, in the event of continuing obstruction of UNIFIL's mandate, to examine practical ways and means in accordance with relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations to secure the full implementation of resolution 425 (1978); 
8. Decides to remain seized of the question and to meet again within three months to assess the situation.

S/RES/467 (1980) 24 April 1980 
RESOLUTION 467 (1980) 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2218th meeting on 24 April 1980 

The Security Council, 
Acting in response to the request of the Government of Lebanon,
Having studied the special report of the Secretary-General of 12 April 1980 (S/13888) and the subsequent statements, reports and addenda, 
Having examined itself through the statement of the President of the Security Council of 18 April 1980 (S/13900), 
Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978), 427 (1978), 434 (1978), 444 (1979), 450 (1979) and 459 (1979),
Recalling the terms of reference and general guidelines of UNIFIL, as stated in the report of the Secretary-General of 19 March 1978 (S/12611) confirmed by resolution 426 (1978), and particularly: (a) That "the Force must be able to function as an integrated and efficient military unit", (b) That "The Force must enjoy the freedom of movement and communication and other facilities that are necessary for the performance of its tasks", (c) That the Force "shall not use force except in self-defence", (d) That "self-defence would include resistance to attempts by forceful means to prevent it from discharging its duties under the mandate of the Security Council", 
1. Reaffirms its determination to implement the above-mentioned resolutions, particularly resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978) and 459 (1979), in the totality of the area of operations assigned to UNIFIL, up to the internationally recognized boundaries;
 2. Condemns all actions contrary to the provisions of the above-mentioned resolutions and, in particular, strongly deplores: (a) Any violation of Lebanese sovereignty and territorial integrity; (b) Israel's military intervention into Lebanon; (c) All acts of violence in violation of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Lebanon; (d) Provision of military assistance to the so-called "de facto forces"; (e) All acts of interference with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization; (f) All acts of hostility against UNIFIL and in or through the UNIFIL area of operation as inconsistent with Security Council resolutions; (g) All obstructions of UNIFIL's ability to confirm the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon, to supervise the cessation of hostilities, to ensure the peaceful character of the area of operation, to control movement and to take measures deemed necessary to ensure the effective restoration of Lebanon's sovereignty; (h) Acts that have led to loss of life and physical injuries among UNIFIL and UNTSO personnel, their harassment and abuse, the disruption of communication as well as the destruction of property and material; 
3. Condemns the deliberate shelling of the UNIFIL headquarters and more particularly the field hospital, which enjoys special protection under international law; 
4. Commends the efforts undertaken by the Secretary-General, and by the interested Governments to bring about the cessation of hostilities and to enable UNIFIL to carry out its mandate effectively without interference; 
5. Commends UNIFIL for its great restraint in carrying out its duties in very adverse circumstances; 
6. Calls attention to the provisions in the mandate that would allow the force to use its right to self-defence; 
7. Calls attention to the terms of reference of UNIFIL which provide that the Force will use its best efforts to prevent the recurrence of fighting and to ensure that its area of operation is not utilized for hostile activities of any kind; 
8. Requests the Secretary-General to convene a meeting, at an appropriate level, of the Israel Lebanon Mixed Armistice Commission (ILMAC) to agree on precise recommendations and further to reactivate the General Armistice Agreement conducive to the restoration of Lebanon's sovereignty over all its territory up to the internationally recognized boundaries; 
9. Calls upon all parties concerned and all those capable of lending any assistance to co-operate with the Secretary-General in enabling UNIFIL to fulfill its mandate; 
10. Recognizes the urgent need to explore all ways and means for securing the full implementation of resolution 425 (1978), including enhancing the capacity of UNIFIL to fulfill its mandate in all its parts. 
11. Requests the Secretary-General to report as soon as possible on the progress of these initiatives and the cessation of hostilities. 

S/RES/490 (1981)  21 July 1981
RESOLUTION 490 (1981)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2293rd meeting on 21 July 1981

The Security Council,
Reaffirming the urgent appeal made by the President and the members of the Security Council on 17 July 1981 (S/14599) which reads as follows:
"The President of the Security Council and the members of the Council, after hearing the report of the Secretary-General, express their deep concern at the extent of the loss of life and the scale of the destruction caused by the deplorable events that have been taking place for several days in Lebanon."
"They launch an urgent appeal for an immediate end to all armed attacks and for the greatest restraint so that peace and quiet may be established in Lebanon and a just an lasting peace in the Middle East as a whole."
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General in this respect:
1. Calls for an immediate cessation of all armed attacks; 
2. Reaffirms its commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Lebanon, within its internationally recognized boundaries;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to report back to the Council on the implementation of this resolution as soon as possible and not later than 48 hours from its adoption.

S/RES/508 (1982)  5 June 1982
RESOLUTION 508 (1982)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2374th meeting held on 5 June 1982

The Security Council,
Recalling Security Council resolution 425 (1978), 426 (1978) and the ensuing resolutions, and more particularly, Security Council resolution 501 (1982),
Taking note of the letters of the Permanent Representative of Lebanon dated 4 June 1982 (S/15161 and S/15162),
Deeply concerned at the deterioration of the present situation in Lebanon and in the Lebanese-Israeli border area, and its consequences for peace and security in the region,
Gravely concerned at the violation of the territorial integrity, independence, and sovereignty of Lebanon, 
Reaffirming and supporting the statement made by the President and the members of the Security Council on 4 June 1982 (S/15163), as well as the urgent appeal issued by the Secretary-General on 4 June 1982, 
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General, 
1. Calls upon all the parties to the conflict to cease immediately and simultaneously all military activities within Lebanon and across the Lebanese-Israeli border and no later than 0600 hours local time on Sunday, 6 June 1982;
2. Requests all Member States which are in a position to do so to bring their influence to bear upon those concerned so that the cessation of hostilities declared by Security Council resolution 490 (1981) can be respected;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to undertake all possible efforts to ensure the implementation of and compliance with this resolution and to report to the Security Council as early as possible and not later than forty-eight hours after the adoption of this resolution.

S/RES/509 (1982) 6 June 1982
RESOLUTION 509 (1982)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2375th meeting held on 6 June 1982

The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978) of 19 March 1978 and 508 (1982) of 5 June 1982,
Gravely concerned at the situation as described by the Secretary-General in his report to the Council, 
Reaffirming the need for strict respect for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries, 
1. Demands that Israel withdraw all its military forces forthwith and unconditionally to the internationally recognized boundaries of Lebanon; 
2. Demands that all parties observe strictly the terms of paragraph 1 of resolution 508 (1982) which called on them to cease immediately and simultaneously all military activities within Lebanon and across the Lebanese-Israeli border;
3. Calls on all parties to communicate to the Secretary-General their acceptance of the present resolution within 24 hours;
4. Decides to remain seized of the question. 

S/RES/512 (1982) 19 June 1982
RESOLUTION 512 (1982)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2380th meeting held on 19 June 1872

The Security Council,
Deeply concerned at the sufferings of the Lebanese and Palestinian civilian populations,
Referring to the humanitarian principles of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and to the obligations arising from the regulations annexed to the Hague Convention of 1907,
Reaffirming its resolutions 508 (1982) and 509 (1982),
1. Calls upon all the parties to the conflict to respect the rights of the civilian populations, to refrain from all acts of violence against those populations and to take all appropriate measures to alleviate the suffering caused by the conflict, in particular, by facilitating the dispatch and distribution of aid provided by United Nations agencies and by non-governmental organizations, in particular, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC);
2. Appeals to Member States to continue to provide the most extensive humanitarian aid possible;
3. Stresses the particular humanitarian responsibilities of the United Nations and its agencies, including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), towards civilian populations and calls upon all the parties to the conflict not to hamper the exercise of those responsibilities and to assist in humanitarian efforts;
4. Takes note of the measures taken by the Secretary-General to co-ordinate the activities of the international agencies in this field and requests him to make every effort to ensure the implementation of and compliance with this resolution and to report on these efforts to the Council as soon as possible.

S/RES/513 (1982) 4 July 1982
RESOLUTION 513 (1982)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2382nd meeting held on 4 July 1982

The Security Council,
Alarmed by the continued sufferings of the Lebanese and Palestinian civilian populations in South Lebanon and in West Beirut,
Referring to the humanitarian principles of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and to the obligations arising from the Regulations annexed to the Hague Convention of 1907, 
Reaffirming its resolutions 508 (1982), 509 (1982) and 512 (1982), 
1. Calls for respect for the rights of the civilian populations without any discrimination and repudiates all acts of violence against
those populations; 
2. Calls further for the restoration of the normal supply of vital facilities such as water, electricity, food and medical provisions,
particularly in Beirut; 
3. Commends the efforts of the Secretary-General and the action of international agencies to alleviate the sufferings of the civilian population and requests them to continue their efforts to ensure their success.

S/RES/515 (1982) 29 July 1982 
RESOLUTION 515 (1982) 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2385th meeting held on 29 July 1982

The Security Council,
Deeply concerned at the situation of the civilian population of Beirut,
Referring to the humanitarian principles of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and to the obligations arising from the regulations annexed to the Hague Convention of 1907, 
Recalling its resolutions 512 (1982) and 513 (1982), 
1.  Demands that the Government of Israel lift immediately the blockade of the city of Beirut in order to permit the dispatch of supplies to meet the urgent needs of the civilian population and allow the distribution of aid provided by United Nations agencies and by non-governmental organizations, particularly the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); 
2. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the text of this resolution to the Government of Israel and keep the Security Council informed of its implementation. 

S/RES/516 (1982) 1 August 1982
RESOLUTION 516 (1982)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2386th meeting held on 1 August 1982

The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolutions 508 (1982), 509 (1982), 511 (1982), 512 (1982) and 513 (1982),
Recalling its resolution 515 (1982) of 29 July 1982,
Alarmed by the continuation and intensification of military activities in and around Beirut,
Taking note of the latest massive violations of the cease-fire in and around Beirut,
l. Confirms its previous resolutions and demands an immediate cease-fire, and a cessation of all military activities within Lebanon and across the Lebanese-Israeli border;
2. Authorizes the Secretary-General to deploy immediately on the request of the Government of Lebanon, United Nations observers to monitor the situation in and around Beirut;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to report back to the Council on compliance with this resolution as soon as possible and not later than four hours from now. 

S/RES/517 (1982) 4 August 1982
RESOLUTION 517 (1982)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2389th meeting held on 4 August 1982

The Security Council,
Deeply shocked and alarmed by the deplorable consequences of the Israeli invasion of Beirut on 3 August 1982,
1. Reconfirms its resolutions 508 (1982), 509 (1982), 512 (1982), 513 (1982), 515 (1982) and 516 (1982);
2. Confirms once again its demand for an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon;
3. Censures Israel for its failure to comply with the above resolutions;
4. Calls for the prompt return of Israeli troops which have moved forward subsequent to 1325 hours EDT on 1 August 1982;
5. Takes note of the decision of the Palestinian Liberation Organization to move the Palestinian armed forces from Beirut;
6. Expresses its appreciation for the efforts and steps taken by the Secretary-General to implement the provisions of Security Council resolution 516 (1982), and authorizes him, as an immediate step, to increase the number of United Nations observers in and around Beirut; 
7. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the present resolution as soon as possible and not later than 1000 hours EDT on 5 August 1982;
8. Decides to meet at that time if necessary in order to consider the report of the Secretary-General and, in case of failure to comply by any of the parties to the conflict, to consider adopting effective ways and means in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations. 

S/RES/518 (1982) 12 August 1982
RESOLUTION 518 (1982)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2392nd meeting held on 12 August 1982

The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 508 (1982), 509 (1982), 511 (1982), 512 (1982), 513 (1982), 515 (1982), 516 (1982), and 517 (1982), 
Expressing its most serious concern about continued military activities in Lebanon and, particularly, in and around Beirut,
1. Demands that Israel and all parties to the conflict observe strictly the terms of Security Council resolutions relevant to the immediate cessation of all military activities within Lebanon and, particularly, in and around Beirut;
2. Demands the immediate lifting of all restrictions on the city of Beirut in order to permit the free entry of supplies to meet the urgent needs of the civilian population in Beirut; 
3. Requests the United Nations observers in and in the vicinity of Beirut to report on the situation;
4. Demands that Israel co-operate fully in the effort to secure the effective deployment of the United Nations observers, as requested by the Government of Lebanon, and in such a manner as to ensure their safety;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to report soonest to the Security Council on the implementation of the present resolution;
6. Decides to meet if necessary in order to consider the situation upon receipt of the report of the Secretary-General. 

S/RES/520 (1982) 17 September 1982 
RESOLUTION 520 (1982) 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2395th meeting held on 17 September 1982 

The Security Council, 
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 15 September 1982 (S/15382/Add.1), 
Condemning the murder of Bashir Gemayel, Lebanon's constitutionally selected President-elect, and every effort to disrupt by violence the restoration of a strong, stable government in Lebanon, 
Having listened to the statement by the Permanent Representative of Lebanon, 
Taking note of Lebanon's determination to ensure the withdrawal of all non-Lebanese forces from Lebanon, 
1. Reaffirms its resolutions 508 (1982), 509 (1982) and 516 (1982) in all their components; 
2. Condemns the recent Israeli incursions into Beirut in violation of the cease-fire agreements and of Security Council resolutions; 
3. Demands an immediate return to the positions occupied by Israel before 15 September 1982, as a first step towards the full implementation of Security Council resolution; 
4. Calls again for the strict respect for Lebanon's sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and political independence under the sole and exclusive authority of the Lebanese Government through the Lebanese Army throughout Lebanon; 
5. Reaffirms its resolutions 512 (1982) and 513 (1982) which call for respect for the rights of the civilian populations without any discrimination and repudiates all acts of violence against those populations; 
6. Supports the efforts of the Secretary-General to implement Security Council resolution 516 (1982) concerning the deployment of United Nations observers to monitor the situation in and around Beirut and requests all the parties concerned to co-operate fully in the application of that resolution; 
7. Decides to remain seized of the question and asks the Secretary-General to keep the Council informed on developments as soon as possible and not later than twenty-four hours. 

S/RES/521 (1982) 19 September 1982
RESOLUTION 521 (1982)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2396th meeting held on 19 September 1982

The Security Council,
Appalled at the massacre of Palestinian civilians in Beirut, 
Having heard the report of the Secretary-General (S/15400), 
Noting that the Government of Lebanon has agreed to the dispatch of United Nations Observers to the sites of greatest human suffering and losses in and around that city, 
1. Condemns the criminal massacre of Palestinian civilians in Beirut; 
2. Reaffirms once again its resolutions 512 (1982) and 513 (1982) which call for respect for the rights of the civilian population without any discrimination and repudiates all acts of violence against that population;
3. Authorizes the Secretary-General as a immediate step to increase the number of United Nations observers in and around Beirut from 10 to 50 and insists that there shall be no interference with the deployment of the observers and that they shall have full freedom of movement; 
4. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Government of Lebanon, to ensure the rapid deployment of those observers in order that they may contribute in every way possible within their mandate, to the effort to ensure full protection for the civilian population; 
5. Requests the Secretary-General as a matter of urgency to initiate appropriate consultations and in particular consultations with the Government of Lebanon on additional steps which the Council might take, including the possible deployment of United Nations forces, to assist that Government in ensuring full protection for the civilian population in and around Beirut and requests him to report to the Council within forty-eight hours;
6. Insists that all concerned must permit United Nations observers and forces established by the Security Council in Lebanon to be deployed and to discharge their mandates and in this connection solemnly calls attention to the obligation on all Member States under Article 25 of the Charter to accept and carry out the decisions of the Council in accordance with the Charter;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council informed on an urgent and continuing basis. 

S/RES/542 (1983) 23 November 1983
RESOLUTION 542 (1983)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2501st meeting on 23 November 1983

The Security Council,
Having considered the situation prevailing in northern Lebanon, 
Recalling the statement made on this question by the President of the Council on 11 November 1983 (S/16142), 
Deeply concerned by the intensification of the fighting, which continues to cause much suffering and great loss of human life, 
1. Deplores the loss of human life caused by the events taking place in northern Lebanon, 
2. Reiterates its call for the strict respect for the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries;
3. Requests the parties concerned immediately to accept a cease-fire and scrupulously to observe the cessation of hostilities;
4. Invites the parties concerned to settle their differences exclusively by peaceful means and to refrain from the threat or use of force;
5. Pays tribute to the work done by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and by the International Committee of the Red Cross in providing emergency humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian and Lebanese civilians in Tripoli and its surroundings; 
6. Calls upon the parties concerned to comply with the provisions of this resolution;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to follow the situation in northern Lebanon, to consult with the Government of Lebanon, and to report to the Council, which remains seized of the question 

S/RES/564 (1985) 31 May 1985
RESOLUTION 564 (1985)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2582nd meeting on 31 May 1985

The Security Council,
Recalling the statement made by its President on 24 May 1985 (S/17215) on behalf of its members on the heightened violence in certain parts of Lebanon, 
Alarmed at the continued escalation of violence involving the civilian population, including Palestinians in refugee camps, resulting in grievous casualties, and material destruction on all sides, 
1. Expresses anew its deepest concern at the heavy costs in human lives and material destruction affecting the civilian population in Lebanon, and calls on all concerned to end acts of violence against the civilian population in Lebanon and in particular in and around Palestinian refugee camps; 
2. Reiterates its calls for respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Lebanon; 
3. Calls on all parties to take necessary measures to alleviate the suffering resulting from acts of violence, in particular by facilitating the work of United Nations agencies, especially the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, and non-governmental organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, in providing humanitarian assistance to all those affected and emphasizes the need to ensure the safety of all the personnel of these organizations; 
4. Appeals to all interested parties to co-operate with the Lebanese Government and the Secretary-General with a view to ensuring the implementation of this resolution and requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council;
5. Reaffirms its intention to continue to follow closely the situation.

S/RES/579 (1985) 18 December 1985
RESOLUTION 579 (1985)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2637th meeting on 18 December 1985

The Security Council,
Deeply disturbed at the prevalence of incidents of hostage-taking and abduction, several of which are of protracted duration and have included loss of life,
Considering that the taking of hostages and abductions are offences of grave concern to the international community, having severe adverse consequences for the rights of the victims and for the promotion of friendly relations and co-operation among States, 
Recalling the statement of 9 October 1985 by the President of Security Council resolutely condemning all acts of terrorism, including hostage-taking (S/17554), 
Recalling also resolution 40/61 of 9 December 1985 of the General Assembly,
Bearing in mind the International Convention against the Taking of Hostages adopted on 17 December 1979, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons Including Diplomatic Agents adopted on 14 December 1973, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation adopted on 23 September 1971, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft adopted on 16 December 1970, and other relevant conventions,
1. Condemns unequivocally all acts of hostage-taking and abduction; 
2. Calls for the immediate safe release of all hostages and abducted persons wherever and by whomever they are being held;
3. Affirms the obligation of all States in whose territory hostages or abducted persons are held urgently to take all appropriate measures to secure their safe release and to prevent the commission of acts of hostage-taking and abduction in the future;
4. Appeals to all States that have not yet done so to consider the possibility of becoming parties to the International Convention against the Taking of Hostages adopted on 17 December 1979, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons Including Diplomatic Agents adopted on 14 December 1973, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation adopted on 23 September 1971, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft adopted on 16 December 1970, and other relevant conventions; 
5. Urges the further development of international co-operation among States in devising and adopting effective measures which are in accordance with the rules of international law to facilitate the prevention, prosecution and punishment of all acts of hostage-taking and abduction as manifestations of international terrorism. 

S/RES/587 (1986) 23 September 1986
RESOLUTION 587 (1986)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2708th meeting on 23 September 1986

The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), as well as resolutions 511 (1982), 519 (1982) and 523 (1982) and all the resolutions relating to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, 
Recalling the mandate entrusted to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon by resolution 425 (1978) and the guidelines of the Force set forth in the report of the Secretary-General dated 19 March 1978 (S/12611) and approved in resolution 426 (1978), 
Further recalling its resolutions 508 (1982), 509 (1982) and 520 (1982), as well as all its other resolutions relating to the situation in Lebanon, 
Solemnly reaffirming that it firmly supports the unity, integrity, sovereignty and independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries,
Deeply grieved over the tragic loss of human life and indignant at the harassment and attacks to which the soldiers of the Force are being subjected, 
Recalling in this connection the statement made on 5 September by the President of the Council on its behalf (S/18320),
Expressing its concern at the new obstacles to the freedom of movement of the Force and at the threats to its security,
Noting with regret that the Force, whose mandate has been renewed for the twenty-first time, has so far been prevented from fulfilling the task entrusted to it, 
Recalling its resolutions 444 (1979), 450 (1979), 459 (1979), 474 (1980), 483 (1980) and 488 (1981), in which it expressed its determination, in the event of continuing obstruction of the mandate of the Force, to examine practical ways and means to secure full and unconditional implementation of resolution 425 (1978), 
Emphasizing its conviction that this deterioration of the situation constitutes a challenge to its authority and its resolutions,
1. Condemns in the strongest terms the attacks committed against the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon;
2. Expresses indignation at the support which such criminal action may receive;
3. Pays homage to the courage, spirit of discipline and composure of the soldiers of the Force;
4. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General prepared after the recent mission by his Representative in the region (S/18348), particularly the paragraphs relating to the security of the Force and the withdrawal of Israeli military forces from southern Lebanon; 
5. Takes note of the preliminary security measures decided on by the Secretary-General and requests him to take any further measures needed to enhance the security of the men of the Force in their peace mission; 
6. Urges all the parties concerned to co-operate unreservedly with the Force in the fulfillment of its mandate; 
7. Again calls for an end in southern Lebanon to any military presence which is not accepted by the Lebanese authorities;
8. Requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary arrangements for a deployment of the Force to the southern border of Lebanon, and solemnly calls on all the parties concerned to co-operate in the achievement of that objective;
9. Requests the Secretary-General to report to it within twenty-one days on the application of this resolution.

S/RES/1052 (1996) 18 April 1996 
RESOLUTION 1052 (1996) 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3654th meeting, on 18 April 1996 

The Security Council, 
Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions regarding the situation in Lebanon, including resolution 425 (1978) of 19 March 1978 which established the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), 
Taking note of the letters from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the President of the Security Council of 13 April 1996 (S/1996/280 and S/1996/281), 
Bearing in mind the debate which took place at its 3653rd meeting on 15 April 1996 on the situation in the Middle East,
Gravely concerned at the consequences which the ongoing fighting could have for the peace and security of the region and for the furthering of the peace process in the Middle East, and affirming its full support for that process, 
Gravely concerned also at all attacks on civilian targets, including residential areas, and at the loss of life and suffering among civilians, 
Stressing the need for all concerned to respect fully the rules of international humanitarian law with regard to the protection of  civilians, 
Gravely concerned further at actions which seriously threaten the safety of UNIFIL and impede the implementation of its mandate, and deploring in particular the incident on 18 April 1996 in which shelling resulted in heavy loss of life among civilians at a UNIFIL site, 
1. Calls  for an immediate cessation of hostilities by all parties; 
2. Supports the ongoing diplomatic efforts to this end; 
3. Reaffirms its commitment to the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries and to the security of all States in the region, and calls upon all concerned fully to respect those principles; 
4. Calls upon all concerned to respect the safety and security of civilians; 
5. Calls upon all concerned to respect the safety, security and freedom of movement of UNIFIL and to allow it to fulfill its mandate without any obstacle or interference; 
6. Calls upon Member States to offer humanitarian assistance to alleviate the suffering of the population and to assist the Government of Lebanon in the reconstruction of the country and requests the Secretary-General to ensure that the United Nations and its agencies play their part in meeting the humanitarian needs of the civilian population; 
7. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council informed of developments on a continuing basis; 
8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

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